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About our Policies



Lesson Fee Payments

Lesson fees for any given month are due on the first lesson of that month.  Simply multiply the weekly rate by the number of lessons in that month (typically four or five lessons, but occasionally only three if there's a holiday). 

Please note that we do not prorate lesson fees in a given month.  We are happy to reschedule a lesson if you know you'll have a conflict (see further details below), but all weeks must be paid for.  


Also, please keep in mind that for simplicity's sake, we do not accept weekly payments for lessons (the month must be paid in full at the beginning of the month).


Rescheduling lessons

The first thing you should know is that, unlike most music schools, we are happy to reschedule your lessons as many times as you like throughout the year!  The only thing we ask is that you give us 24 hour notice of your absence, then we'll be happy to makeup your lesson on another day.  We will try our best to find you a time with your regular teacher, but if we cannot, we will book you with one of our other qualified instructors. Another possibility is that we can occasionally fit you in for a hour lesson in the week prior or following your missed lesson to makeup for it.


The following are some specific clarifications regarding missed lessons.  Please keep in mind that these policies need to be in place to ensure the ongoing success and health of our wonderful music school!


It's important to remember that we don't prorate lessons in any given month.  If there are four or five weeks in a given month, the student is expected to pay for those weeks and attend that number of times in that month.  There are some exceptions to this rule, which include:


  • Statutory Holidays – If we are closed for holidays, students are not required to pay for, or make up the lesson that week.  For those students who do not want to skip a week, they are welcome to schedule a lesson on a different day.  To do so, simply speak to Tim to make special arrangements.

  • Teacher absence – If your teacher misses your lesson due to a gig or illness, typically a suitable substitute will be available instead.  When a substitute is provided, the student is expected to attend (even if they really like only studying with their regular teacher).  If a student prefers not to attend, despite a substitute being provided, the lesson will still be charged for so as not to leave unpaid gaps in the substitute teacher’s schedule.  If, however, a substitute cannot be found, the lessons that day will be cancelled outright, and the lessons fees will be credited forward.

  • Snow days – when driving conditions are deemed so dangerous that it’s in everyone’s best interest to close the school, all lessons will be credited forward.  In any circumstances where the school has remained open, students are expected to attend and lessons will be charged for.

  • Family emergency – we endeavor to be reasonable and treat each situation on an individual basis.  If there is a sudden emergency and a student is unable to attend, we of course are happy and willing to overlook that lesson.  The teacher will still be paid for their time, but the student will not be responsible for covering that cost.

  • Vacations – if a student will be away for a vacation longer than one week, all lessons will be charged for but over the duration of their absence, but only one of these lessons will qualify for a makeup (these payments ensure your spot is reserved for you upon your return).  If however a student will be away for two or more weeks, but does not want to pay to reserve their time, they are welcome to discontinue payments, then resume after their trip.  This means however that we cannot guarantee their previous weekly lesson time will still be available upon their return.


We do not allow lessons to be prorated for reasons such as:  birthday parties, sports practices/games/tournaments, doctor/dentist appointments, school exams, school concerts, vacations etc.  In these cases the lessons are charged for, and can be made up with your regular instructor or one of our other instructors. 


All makeup lessons must be scheduled within two weeks before or after the expected absence, after which they will no longer be valid.


*Please note that the special introductory offer applies to all of our regularly priced lessons, but does not apply to lessons with Lowe's School of Music owner Tim Smith.




Monday-Friday 3:00pm-9:00pm

​Saturday 9:00am-1:00pm

Sunday: Closed
(Toronto GMT-4 time zone)

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We are based in Mississauga, ON, Canada
All of our lessons are offered online only

Tel: (905) 278-5661

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